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Root Canal Procedure Aftercare - All You Need to Know

Root Canal Procedure Aftercare - All You Need to Know

Posted by One Health Dental on Feb 15 2022, 05:20 AM

Root Canal Procedure Aftercare - All You Need to Know

When the inner pulp of a tooth becomes severely decayed, damaged, or infected, the only options to relieve pain and eliminate infection are to perform a root canal treatment or extract the tooth.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal treatment is performed on a severely damaged or infected tooth when the goal is to preserve it instead of extracting and replacing it with a prosthetic tooth. During a root canal process, the doctor removes the interior of the root pulp and cleans it to prevent infection.

Root Canal Treatment - Aftercare

Once you undergo a root canal procedure, aftercare is crucial to ensure the success of the treatment and prevent any further infection. We will guide you through the aftercare process if you want to know what to do after a root canal treatment.

  • Eat Carefully: Once the root canal treatment is over, you may feel the effects of lingering anesthesia for a few more hours. While having food, you may accidentally bite your tongue or cheek if your mouth is numb. So, wait until the anesthesia wears off before having food.
  • Do not Chew with the Affected Tooth: If you have an extensive tooth infection, you may need several days between the initial treatment and placement of the permanent crown. During this period, your orthodontist may prescribe antibiotics to eliminate bacteria. Meanwhile, your tooth gets a temporary sealant and cap. Avoid chewing with that tooth until it receives a permanent crown.
  • Follow the Dentist’s Instructions: Ensure that you carefully follow the instructions given to you by your root canal dentist. If your dentist has prescribed antibiotics, make sure to complete the entire course to prevent reinfection and entry of bacteria into the treated area.
  • Brush and Floss:Do not skip brushing and flossing even after a root canal treatment. This ensures that the affected tooth and the surrounding area are kept clean.
  • Complete Your Treatment:Never skip any steps in your root canal process. A root canal isn’t complete until the tooth receives a permanent filling and dental crown.

Warning Signs

It is normal to have minor pain, discomfort, soreness, or tenderness in or around the affected tooth or your jaw for a few days. Most often, over-the-counter pain relievers can ease these symptoms. However, look for these warning signs:

  • Severe pain
  • Pain that lasts long
  • Swelling
  • Bite problems
  • Rashes

If you experience any of these symptoms or if your temporary crown falls out, call your dentist immediately.

For more information, call One Health Dental, Dentist in Dallas TX at (214) 275-4808.

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